VW - Curitiba
Natural resources, exchange reserves, a young and powerful society promise a successful future for Brazil. Nothing but this you can see and feel in one of Volkswagen´s plants in Curitiba. for VW

Germano Wiedermann in his VW, mkt Jefferson Kulig

the VW plant

José Carlos Lopes with his fellow workers

Oscar Niemayer Museum

Jefferson Kulig, fashion designer, in the Oscar Niemayer Museum

Kleber Puchaski, designer for VW

Mr. Angelo Hendler, employee at home with his car and his family

flea market in the center

modern bus system in Curitiba

Marcos Bertoldi, architect

Blick vom Panoramaturm, 2010 Curitiba

Jefferson Kulig at work

Oscar Niemayer Museum

Rosie and Me, pop band

Mr. Germann, plant manager

Germano Wiedermann at home with his boyfriend